"But I just get too much creative fulfillment out of constantly switching things up. So it’s the norm now. And that’s okay!"

I honestly love the idea of just doing whatever pops up. Like one day you could be reviewing wafer cookies or something, and the next you could be talking about the industrial revolution and its consequences (jokes, but you get the gist).

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I agree with what Rubekit commented!

It'd be so funny seeing you doing something so mundane and relaxing and yet the next is something so out of left field that it might just boggle my mind

(On my knees that you randomly just review ONE anime series you like, beg even) (teasing but still)

Honestly I love youtubers who are the mix media type of creators, really impressive with how many they wanna do honestly <3

Other then that... Can't wait for what you have in store for us, even if it's more newsletter (Love reading them)

Glad I called before it got axed though! Now my annoying voice is on two videos..... (Ugh)

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