Should you have kids? 🌊📫 (also Happy 2024)
It's time for Ask Wavetro #2! Now with more gangster spongebob AND a sneak peek
…Okay well nevermind on making a high effort video! I accidentally messed up my car and ran into other stressful life things recently, so I think I’ll just end the year on this upload instead.
The Gangster Spongebobs will make more sense once you watch this on YouTube or Odysee. If you want to hear why I don’t know how to ride a bike, my opinion on having kids, how a possible wavetro comeback could happen in 2024, and plenty more- then tune in now! Hope you enjoy this in the background of whatever you’re doing because this month’s episode is really good.
Be sure to leave any questions you have for next episode in the comments below! All comments on this newsletter post are guaranteed a reply from me, but be warned that episode 3 won’t happen until January.
This episode of Ask Wavetro also goes very in-depth on what I was trying to accomplish this year with the vector art: comics. My secret project WAS comics.
I keep thinking about how to make something exciting and impactful like Stickmen 2020, but it’s hard thinking of something that also doesn’t make me burn out in the process. Animation, game dev, comics- these are all off the table now, but I haven’t given up yet.
Obviously I’m only telling you about this comics stuff now because it didn’t work out in the end, but I now have a new secret project in the works. It could lead to something very exciting (WITHOUT overworking myself) next year, but I don’t want to say anything about it until it’s done. If I tell you what I’m doing, I’ll panic to finish it faster and burn out again. So don’t ask me anything about this- it’s top secret.
The only hint I’ll give you is this mysterious image…
Fingers crossed that 2024 turns out to be the epic comeback year.
Hope your holiday break is restful and I’ll see you again soon!
George (wavetro)
UPDATE: By the way, don’t get the 3D printer in this image. Buy a Bambu A1 instead
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holy shit mister teddy becoming real
do you feel like your "self made obligation" (idk how else to put it) to make content has morphed into just loving making funny shit for people, or are those fears still present even with that in some way?